Professional translations, including certified translations


FAQ – Everything you need
to know about translation

  • Certified translation

A 'certified translation' is often required for official purposes. This is a translation which is certified as being correct and complete and a true translation of the original text or document through being signed and sealed by a sworn translator. For certified translations, it is best to give us the original document or a certified true copy of the same because we are obliged by the court to specify in the certified translation what type of document was presented to us.


  • Deadlines

If we agree a specific deadline, unless otherwise agreed this is defined as up to 17.00 hours on the agreed date.

  • Fee

Charges for translations in Germany are normally based on the line price (Line) plus the statutory rate of value added tax.

  • Interpreting

… is the oral translation of the spoken word from one language into another. We concentrate on translation so do not offer interpreting services, but we may be able to recommend a colleague.

  • Line

Translations are charged by the line of translated text. The number of lines in the final translation can differ greatly from the number of lines in the source text. For invoicing purposes, a line comprises 50-55 characters. All characters in the translated text are counted and spaces count as characters.

  • Mother Tongue

No one can ever attain the standard of a competent native speaker in a second language. The best translations are always done by a professional linguist translating into his or her mother tongue. For this reason, we only ever translate into our own languages.

  • Prices

As line prices (see also Line) vary depending on specialist subject and degree of complexity or research requirements, please ask for a Quotation.

  • Quotation

Does not cost you anything (and equally is not binding for us). For lengthier texts only available on paper, a quotation can only be reasonably accurate if we receive a few specimen pages because factors such as font size and line spacing can vary greatly from one document to the next (see also Line). Please note that, unless otherwise stated, the estimated cost is the net price, to which the statutory rate of value added tax is added (currently 19%).

  • References, certificates (birth, marriage etc.)

We format your translated documents as closely to the original as possible i.e. we try to keep the same font type and size, page spreads and layout. In the case of certificates, please note that letterhead details, texts used for stamps, seals and signatures also have to be translated or mentioned in the translation as such characteristics authenticate the document.

  • Surcharges

We may charge 10-50% extra for rush jobs and where we are required to work during evenings or weekends or on public holidays.

  • Sworn translator

If a translation is intended for an authority or other official purpose (emigration, application for a job or study in a foreign country, getting married in a different country), it must be done by a sworn translator. A sworn translator must demonstrate competence to the Higher Regional Court and is authorised by the latter to certify that a translation is correct and complete.

  • Translation.

… is the art of transforming a written text in the source language into a written text in the target language.